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Testing Dates

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The Oklahoma State Testing Program 


When will my child be tested?

Apr 11-29 OCCT Paper Test Window (grades 3-8)

Apr 11-May 6 Online/Paper EOI Test Window (MS/HS)


Who will be tested?

  • Grade 3 through Grade 8- The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test (OCCT), Criterion Referenced Test covers the Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS).  Oklahoma Modified Alternate Assessment (OMAAP) and Oklahoma Alternative Assessment (OAAP) are available for special needs students who qualify.
  • High School- The End of Instruction (EOI), Criterion Referenced Tests covers the Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS).  OMAAP and OAAP are available for special needs students who qualify.


What is being tested?

  • Grade 3 and 4- Mathematics and Reading
  • Grade 5- Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies and Writing
  • Grade 6- Mathematics and Reading
  • Grade 7- Mathematics, Reading and Geography
  • Grade 8- Mathematics, Reading, Science, U. S. History and Writing
  • High School- Algebra I, English II,  Algebra II, Geometry, English III, Biology I and U.S. History


Oklahoma ACE Testing Requirements for Graduation

  • Beginning with any student entering 9th grade in 2008-09, a student may graduate from an Oklahoma high school with a standard diploma by demonstrating mastery in the state academic content standards for Algebra I; English II; and two of the following five: Algebra II, Biology I, English III, Geometry and U. S. History by attaining at least a satisfactory or proficient score on the EOI test. Graduation checklist. For more information: Click here


If a student doesn't score at the satisfactory level they may:

  • Retake the EOI in a following test window ( Summer, Winter, Spring)
  • Prove proficiency on another approved alternate test (ACT, ACT PLAN, AP, CLEP, SAT, TABE, IB, TOEFL, Workkeys)
  • Successfully complete a State End of Course Project that meets all standards and objectives of the State EOI Rubrics for Projects.


Performance levels for OCCT Assesments: 

The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT) is a standards-based criterion-referenced tests with results reported in terms of performance levels.

  • OPI Score- Oklahoma Performance Index is a scaled score that places students into one of the four performance levels.
  • Unsatisfactory- The student does not perform at least at the Limited Knowledge level.
  • Limited Knowledge- The student demonstrates partial mastery of the essential knowledge and skills appropriate to the grade level, course, or level of education, as applicable.
  • Proficient- The student demonstrates mastery of appropriate grade-level subject matter and that students are ready for the next grade, course, or level of education, as applicable.
  • Advanced- The student demonstrates superior performance on challenging subject matter.

Norm Referenced Testing Terms

  • Raw Score-the number of questions answered correctly; this score is the basis for all other derived scores.
  • Scaled Scores-represent approximately equal units on a continuous scale; scale scores make it possible to compare scores in a given content area from one form to another and from one level to another; they are not equivalent from one subtest area to another or from one type of test to another.
  • Percentile Ranks-percentile ranks range from a low 1 to a high of 99, with 50 denoting average performance; they are useful obtaining a student’s relative  standing in comparison with other student’s in the same grade, taking the same test at a comparable time; percentile ranks do not represent actual amounts of ability; they are not equal units along the scale.
  • Stanines- stanines are normalized standard scores; they indicate a student’srelative standing in a reference group, the stanine score ranges from a low of 1 to a high of 9, stanine scores of 1, 2 and 3 are usually considered below average; stanine scores of 4, 5 and 6 are generally considered average; and stanine scores of 7, 8 and 9 are above average; stanines represent approximately equal units of ability.
  • Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) - the NCE is a normalized standard score with a mean of 50.  The score is often used to enable test users to manipulate the data algebraically; the NCE has a direct, fixed relationship to percentile ranks.
  • Grade Equivalent- a score that represents the typical performance of students tested in a given month of the school year; the scores range from K to PHS, where the K designates Kindergarten and PHS represent Post High School. The score ranges in between are given with a numeral to the left of a decimal and to the right of the decimal.  The numeral to the left refers to the grade for which the performance is typical; the number to the right refers to the school month of the year.
  • Example of GE- if a 3rd grader received a GE of 5.9, this students’ score is about the same as what a typical 5th grader in the 9th month of school would have been had they taken the third grade test.


How can parents help their children do well?

  • Make sure your child attends school every day.
  • Encourage your child to take responsibility for homework and class study.
  • Praise your child for work well done.
  • Be aware of test dates; schedule appointments on non-testing dates.
  • Gather available test preparation materials.
  • Review practice materials with your child ahead of time.
  • See that your child is rested and eats breakfast.
  • See that your child arrives at school on time and is relaxed.
  • Encourage your child to do the best work possible.


Where do I find more information?

  • Your child’s teacher and school
  • The Parent Student Teacher Guides distributed at least one week prior to  State Testing
  • Oklahoma State Department of Education, Student Assessment (405) 521-3341
  • Oklahoma State Department of Education


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